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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - torch


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 BrE a small electric lamp that you carry in your hand; flashlight AmE  (We shone our torches around the walls of the cavern.) 2 a long stick with burning material at one end that produces light  (the Olympic torch | a torch-light procession) 3 carry a torch for old-fashioned to secretly love and admire someone ~2 v informal to deliberately make a building start to burn  (Rioters torched several abandoned cars.)
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См. в других словарях

  (torches, torching, torched) 1. A torch is a small electric light which is powered by batteries and which you can carry in your hand. (BRIT; in AM, use flashlight) N-COUNT 2. A torch is a long stick with burning material at one end, used to provide light or to set things on fire. They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel’s thatch. N-COUNT 3. A torch is a device that produces a hot flame and is used for tasks such as cutting or joining pieces of metal. The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault. N-COUNT: supp N see also blowtorch 4. If someone torches a building or vehicle, they set fire to it deliberately. The rioters torched the local library... VERB: V n 5. If you say that someone is carrying a torch for someone else, you mean that they secretly admire them or love them. He has always carried a torch for Barbara. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 6. If you say that someone is carrying the torch of a particular belief or movement, you mean that they are working hard to ensure that it is not forgotten and continues to grow stronger. This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR for/of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *torca, alteration of Latin torqua something twisted, collar of twisted metal, alteration of torques; akin to Latin torquere to twist — more at torture  Date: 13th century  1. a burning stick of resinous wood or twist of tow used to give light and usually carried in the hand ; flambeau  2. something (as tradition, wisdom, or knowledge) likened to a ~ as giving light or guidance pass the ~ to the next generation  3. any of various portable devices for emitting an unusually hot flame — compare blow~  4. chiefly British flashlight 2  5. incendiary 1a  II. transitive verb  Date: 1901 to set fire to with or as if with a ~ TORCHBEARER  noun  Date: 15th century  1. one that carries a torch  2. someone in the forefront of a campaign, crusade, or movement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (also electric torch) Brit. a portable battery-powered electric lamp. 2 a a piece of wood, cloth, etc., soaked in tallow and lighted for illumination. b any similar lamp, e.g. an oil-lamp on a pole. 3 a source of heat, illumination, or enlightenment (bore aloft the torch of freedom). 4 esp. US a blowlamp. 5 US sl. an arsonist. --v.tr. esp. US sl. set alight with a torch. Phrases and idioms carry a torch for suffer from unrequited love for. put to the torch destroy by burning. torch-fishing catching fish by torchlight at night. torch-race Gk Antiq. a festival performance of runners handing lighted torches to others in relays. torch singer a woman who sings torch songs. torch song a popular song of unrequited love. torch-thistle any tall cactus of the genus Cereus, with funnel-shaped flowers which open at night. Etymology: ME f. OF torche f. L torqua f. torquere twist ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) факел 2) горелка; сварочная горелка 3) газовый резак 4) паяльная лампа 5) англ. карманный фонарь - acetylene torch - air torch - air-carbon-arc gouging torch - arc torch - arc-air torch - arc-oxygen torch - argon-arc torch - atomic-hydrogen arc-welding torch - balanced-pressure torch - blow torch - brazing torch - carbon-arc torch - cutting torch - descaling torch - electric torch - flame-cleaning torch - flame-cutting torch - flame-off torch - gas torch - gasoline blow torch - gas-oxygen torch - gas singeing torch - glassblower torch - halide torch - heavy-cutting torch - heliarc torch - inert gas-shielded-arc torch - inert gas-shielded tungstenarc torch - machine cutting torch - multiflame torch - oxyacetylene torch - powder cutting torch - ring torch - soldering torch - spray torch - welding torch ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  горелка; газовый резак; паяльная лампа факел balanced-pressure torch halide torch injector torch low-pressure torch multijet torch multitip torch ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) газовый 2) машиностр. горелка 3) лампа 4) факел 5) факельный oxygas metallizing torch — кислородно-газовый металлизатор welding torch nozzle — сопло сварочной горелки - arc-air torch - arc-plasma torch - balanced-pressure torch - hydrogen torch - ignition torch - injector torch - non-transferred arc torch - oxydric torch - scarfing torch - torch flame - torch furnace - torch tip - two-tip torch - welding torch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сосна ладанная (Pinus taeda) 2) коровяк обыкновенный, медвежье ухо (Verbascum thapsus) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. факел 2. осветительный прибор electric torch —- карманный фонарь 3. фонарь 4. сигнальный огонь 5. светоч; светильник the torch of learning —- светоч знаний 6. тех. паяльная лампа 7. сварочная горелка 8. газовый резак 9. ам. поджигатель (-маньяк) Id: to hand on the torch —- передавать знания (традиции) Id: to carry a (the) torch for smb., smth. —- сл. быть влюбленным в кого-л. (особ. без взаимности); втрескаться; втюриться; пропагандировать, рекламировать; агитировать, вести кампанию в пользу кого-л., чего-л. Id: to carry the torch for his sister —- вздыхать по его сестре Id: to carry the torch for new Mexican art —- пропагандировать новое мексиканское искусство 10. освещать факелами sunlight torched the wood —- лес был залит лучами солнца 11. подыматься подобно дыму 12. ам. лучить, ловить рыбу с подсветом 13. ам. поджигать; зажигать 14. ам. петь любовную песенку (особ. о неразделенной любви) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) факел; pocket/electric torch - карманный фонарь  2) fig. светоч; the torch of learning - светоч знаний  3) tech. паяльная лампа; горелка to put to the torch - предать огню to hand on the torch - передавать знания, традиции  2. v. освещать факелами ...
Англо-русский словарь
  physiol. abbr. Toxoplasmosis Other Rubella Cytomegalovirus And Herpes religion abbr. Traditions Of Roman Catholic Homes law abbr. Teens On The Road To Chemical Health ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CARRY A TORCH. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. torche, originally "twisted thing," hence "torch formed of twisted tow dipped in wax," probably from V.L. *torca, alteration of L. torqua, variant of torques "collar of twisted metal," from torquere "to twist." In Britain, also applied to the battery-driven version (in U.S., flashlight). Verb meaning "set fire to" is first attested 1931. Torch song is 1927, from carry a torch "suffer an unrequited love," an obscure notion from Broadway slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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